Meet Kelli
Meet Kelli
I decided to work with MoJo Advantage because one of their FB posts struck a nerve and that day it motivated me to say “YES, I’d love to figure out what’s next in life”. Knowing I have skills is one thing, knowing how to accentuate them is another. I was seeking direction, that’s for sure. I went in hoping that JoAnne and Molly could figure out a career objective for me. What I experienced was that they not only helped me better understand what careers were possible for me, but they also helped me understand how to deepen my life. One thing I realized is that I liked to give to others, but that I might not have been receiving back. I appreciated the depth of our conversations. I also liked taking the DISC assessment and learning how to apply the results in real life and career moments. I loved giving myself the gift of getting to know the real me and all my capabilities. I would recommend MoJo whole heartedly! It’s an invaluable experience with talented, kind, gifted, patient, focused, professional women at the helm. How lucky am I to be part of their world?